“Scandal” is like a double-edged sword. It can make KOLs famous quickly and can also destroy KOLs’ careers overnight. Faced with scandals, many KOLs have chosen for themselves the option “silence is golden”, or “everything will pass”. But is “avoiding” the best choice in every Scandal? When do KOLs need to speak up?
What is a Scandal?
“Scandals” are controversial events that shock public opinion, and negatively affect the image of influential people (KOLs) in the eyes of the public. Most KOLs are afraid of scandals, but there are also some who deliberately create scandals to quickly become famous.
When caught up in scandals, KOLs face pressure from many sides:
- Press and social networks: do not miss any details related to the scandal.
- Antifan: people who are always waiting for an opportunity to “bring down” KOLs.
- Fans: people who support and expect a satisfactory explanation from KOL.
Is silence a good solution when a Scandal happens?

Instead of speaking up to explain or correct, they chose to be “silent” to wait for the storm of public opinion to pass. However, this silence only fueled more speculation and rumors, as people began to interpret their lack of response in various ways. Some saw it as an admission of guilt, while others perceived it as a strategic move to avoid further controversy. As the days passed, the silence grew louder, drawing even more attention and curiosity, leaving everyone wondering whether a statement would ever come or if silence would be their final answer.
So when should KOLs stay silent? Here are some specific cases:
- First, when KOLs have a small number of followers and the scandal does not seriously affect the public. In this case, staying silent can help the story quickly sink and be forgotten.
- Second, when KOLs do not have enough evidence or arguments to defend themselves. If what they say cannot adequately explain the scandal, speaking up will only make the situation more confusing and could lead to new crises.
- Third, when scandals are just small things, not worth paying attention to. KOLs can show a “don’t care” attitude by staying silent, pretending nothing has happened.
However, in most other cases, especially when the scandal is large-scale and affects many people, KOLs need to be responsible for explaining, correcting or apologizing. Staying silent only makes the public lose trust and turn their backs on them.
In short, “silence is golden” is only true in certain cases. KOLs need to consider carefully before deciding to stay silent, to avoid letting the situation become more serious and affecting their image.
When should KOLs speak up?
In every situation, KOLs must keep themselves calm and lucid. Please speak up to protect yourself in the following cases:
- Serious scandals threaten careers: When the situation can have a big impact, or even ruin a career, KOLs need to act immediately. Start with a sincere apology, then provide evidence and beneficial information to regain support from fans. Avoid personal attacks or negative language, as this will only make the situation more tense.
- Scandal causes confusion for the fan community: In cases where fans feel suspicious and confused about their idols, KOLs need to speak up and explain clearly.
- When there is enough evidence to prove that they are innocent: If a KOL has enough evidence to prove that they are not involved in a scandal, speaking up to protect their honor and rights is completely legitimate.
Conclusion: As a KOL, facing “chaos” is inevitable. Depending on the severity and impact of the situation, choose the most skillful handling method to rebuild public image and trust after the storm.
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