Ecomobi Booking Campaign is an exclusive campaign applied for KOLs who create content on different social channels. KOLs will produce content based on the requirements or objectives of particular campaigns, publish the content then receive a cash bonus after Ecomobi confirms that the content is qualified.
- Fast Payment: With a simple procedure, KOLs can receive the payment quickly after all booking requirements are met.
- Attractive Bonus: Ecomobi offers attractive bonus packages for KOLs, helping to scale up the income quickly.
- Optimized Income Source: KOLs are able to generate more income besides booking fees by placing the referral code or affiliate links in the booking post and receiving more bonuses and commissions.

Joining guideline:
- Sign up: For creators who are not in our network yet, kindly sign up here to be a part of Ecomobi's creator. Once you're in, let’s register to participate in the Booking Campaign.
- Select: Ecomobi will select qualified KOLs in the registered list.
- Announce: Ecomobi will announce officially to qualified KOLs to proceed their booking campaign.
1. Follow Ecomobi’s content and media guidance.
- Content requirements: The content must contain a specific register link that we provide and be about the topics below.
- Show off the result, money earned from Ecomobi.
- Review the benefits when doing Affiliate, generate passive income with Ecomobi.
- Promote Ecomobi campaigns, mechanisms.
- Other contents (none of the above) must be discussed and agreed from both sides.
- Image requirements: Only high-quality images about the topics below will be allowed.
- Topics: Affiliate, Make money online, Income, Achievements.
- Show Passio dashboard, Payment page, Ecomobi campaigns, mechanisms.
- Other images (none of the above) must be discussed and agreed from both sides.
- Video requirements: Only HD videos will be allowed.
- >= 3 mins/video on Facebook, Instagram, TikTok.
- >= 5 mins/video on Youtube.
- 1 - 3 mins/integrated video on Youtube.
2. Follow the campaign’s rules to be qualified for the big bonus.
- After the demo is reviewed, both sides will agree on a post-schedule. Do not publish without Ecomobi’s content approval.
- Finish publishing 100% of committed booking posts.
- The sponsored posts must be public and available at least 6 months towards local community, and networks.
- Update the booking post’s performance to Ecomobi's supporters on schedule (after 2 weeks since the published date).
3. Output requirements.
- No spam comments, no GIF, no sticker, no repeated comments.
- Creators' comment are excluded.

4. The BONUS will be added for creators after Ecomobi’s supporter review and approve the content,
format and other requirements of the sponsored post.
5. Ecomobi reserves the right to decide the qualification of the sponsored post. If creators violate any of
our rule or do not follow the requirements, we are able to stop the collaboration unilaterally.